Game Version: Discrete Probabilistic Demo
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Move all the way across the ice to join the penguins on the other side. Get as close to them as you can. If you get close enough to high five them, you will get to watch the movie clip.
If using a mouse or trackpad, click your left mouse button once to activate the blue penguin. If using a touchscreen, press the blue penguin with your finger and you will be able to move it.
Move your hand forward to move the penguin across the ice to the penguins on the other side.
There are 20 trials.
Click the "ENTER" button to continue.
Now there are many penguins on the other side of the ice. Move all the way across the ice to high five one group of penguins. You can move to a different group of penguins each time the picture changes if you want.
Some groups of penguins will play the movie clip only some of the time. There is a group of penguins that will play the movie clip all of the time. Try to find the group that plays the movie clip all of the time. There are 120 trials.
Click the "ENTER" button to continue.
Great job! You made it through the tricky penguins. In this last section, cross the ice to join the penguins on the other side.
Again, if you get close enough to high five them, you will get to watch the movie clip. Try to get the movie clip to play as often as you can.
There are 10 trials.
Click the "ENTER" button to continue.
There are 2 questions for you to answer before you go.
Click the "ENTER" button to continue.
The game will resume automatically when you have reconnected.
If nothing is happening, please check your internet connection.
Please contact the experimenter if you have any questions. Thank you!