Game Version: Adapt_v8_demo
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If using a mouse or trackpad, click your left mouse button once to make the ball turn green. If using a touchscreen, press the ball with your finger and it will turn green.
After the ball turns green, move your hand forward to hit the play button with the ball. Move as accurately as possible. If you hit the button, you will get to watch the movie clip. The ball might do funny things at times. There are 20 trials.
Click the "ENTER" button to continue.
Keep trying to hit the button. Try to get the movie clip to play as often as you can.
Remember, move as accurately as possible. There are 140 trials total but there is a break after 110 trials.
Click the "ENTER" button to continue.
The game will resume automatically when you have reconnected.
If nothing is happening, please check your internet connection.
Please contact the experimenter if you have any questions. Thank you!